Many people considering divorce fear the unknowns commonly associated with the New Jersey divorce process. Many wonder what they will lose, and what they will be forced to give up or pay.
Significantly, roughly 99% of all file divorce cases in New Jersey settle without a trial, so why not approach the process with what you want the outcome to be?
I am a firm believer in each spouse’s right to divorce without having to go to court except to have the judge sign the divorce judgment.
Ironically, all it takes is a simple shift in mindset from “what will I lose?” to “what do I want?”
Understandably, this can be extremely challenging at first. You might feel powerless as if your life is all of a sudden outside of your control.
At the same time, your thoughts might be spinning inside your head – where and how do you start? Do you call a lawyer? But then again, you might think lawyers will make it worse and you don’t want this to get ugly. And how much will this even cost?
While you might not be entirely ready, you should be informed.
That’s why I’ve decided to offer customized legal and related services that you can select based on what you need right now.
For instance, for those who don’t know where or how to begin, you would be educated on all of the available alternatives to the New Jersey divorce court process and which would be best for you.
You would be heard about what concerns you most and identify your goals for the future. Equally important, you would have the opportunity to discover what you need to know and where to find answers, including resources to enable you to move forward.
Ultimately, you would come away with a concrete action plan knowing your rights and options.
Those who feel more ready to move forward could choose to develop a spending plan for anticipated post-divorce expenses to be able to generate viable options for dividing marital assets and debts.
Those interested in pursuing divorce mediation may opt for mediation of all issues and written agreement or to mediate only specific issues such as custody and parenting time.
Ultimately, the outcome can be within your control – it need not be up to the court.
For more information, please contact me directly.