News & Media

SharpHeels – In Conversation With: Michele Hart

I met practicing divorce and family lawyer, Michele Hart in the fall of 2014 when she reached out to me to be the keynote speaker for the Women in Business luncheon at the Morris County Chamber of Commerce. So, I’d add to Michele’s long and well-earned list of titles...

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What Really Happens in Divorce: Myth Vs Reality

It's common to feel afraid to get a divorce when there is so much information out there that is, well, just plain scary. It's like getting to the edge of a cliff and being afraid to jump off. Fortunately, most, if not all of this "information" is simply not true. You...

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7 Practical Tips on Co-Parenting Your Child With Your Ex

Even though your romantic relationship with your ex has ended, the fact is that your relationship as co-parents of your children will remain. Therefore, now is the time to work together to develop an effective co-parenting plan that works for both of you and is unique...

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Being a Bully Can Cost You More Than Money

When we think of bullying behavior, we might picture children calling each other names on a playground or in school. Bullying is more widespread than that, however, both among children and adults. When going through a divorce, you might be tempted to bully your...

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5 Actions To Take Right Now When Planning for Divorce

When you experience the unexpected loss of a marriage or are thinking about ending a marriage, it can feel like all of a sudden you've been blindsided and the rug has been pulled out from under your feet. At the same time, it can feel overwhelming and scary if you...

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3 Simple Ways to Connect With Your Child During Divorce

As busy parents, it's easy to become disconnected from our children's day-to-day activities and what is going on in their emotional lives. Daily interactions with our children can often be reduced to coordinating schedules and school work, and finding out where and...

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Valuable Life Lessons From Hurricane Sandy

In the midst of what is being called one of the devastating events in history, unexpected opportunities to connect with loved ones and help those in need can be seen all around us. From the moment the monumental storm ripped through our area on Monday night, we saw...

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