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Why Looking For Cheap Divorce Lawyers Is Pointless

If you are considering seeking a divorce, or if you received a divorce complaint or correspondence from your spouse or an attorney on his or her behalf, you might struggle with the decision about whether to retain an experienced attorney or an attorney that offers discounted fees for streamlined services. Hiring an experienced, competent, and knowledgeable lawyer may cost more on an hourly basis, but could also benefit you significantly in the following ways:

  1. Experience in Assessing and Communicating Options

In order to obtain a Judgment of Divorce from the Court, all issues between spouses are to be resolved in either a Marital Settlement Agreement or Final Judgment of the Court. These issues include those such as alimony, division of marital property and debts, child support, and child custody and parenting time. During negotiations, the parties frequently use these issues as leverage to their individual advantages to gain a favorable outcome. Since family law attorneys have experience in handling divorce cases, they will likely be able to advise you on the best and most cost-effective strategies that best suit your needs and goals.

  1. Objectivity

Emotions often run high during the divorce process, and your family law attorney will offer objective insight into your case even if it encounters very contentious issues. In addition, lawyers have training that enables them to approach each case objectively, and they are available to counsel you to prevent you from making rash decisions during negotiations.

  1. Efficiently Completes Paperwork

An experienced, competent family law attorney has the expertise necessary to cost-effectively and efficiently prepare and file all documentation required to be filed with the Court and be intimately familiar with the Rules of Court.

  1. Access to Consultants and Experts

On occasion, a divorce involving specialized issues, such as valuation and distribution of a closely held business, may require the input of such additional professionals as accountants, financial planners, or counselors who specialize in resolving parenting-time issues. An experienced attorney is more likely to be able to make helpful referrals from his or her professional network of contacts in these areas.

  1. Alternative Dispute Resolution

An experienced family attorney is equipped to consider cost-effective alternatives to litigation, including collaborative divorce and mediation. Such alternative processes are more likely to save expenditures of time, money, emotional energy in obtaining a divorce.

  1. Experience Dealing with Other Attorneys

An experienced family law attorney is more inclined to make a concerted effort to work effectively and efficiently with the opposing counsel to facilitate the expeditious exchange of financial information, called “discovery.” This will help to ensure your full access to accurate information about the marital income, assets, and debt while resolving the case in a cost-effective and efficient manner.

  1. Work Toward Favorable Outcomes and Settlement Agreements

The Court encourages spouses to reach settlement agreements instead of a trial. An experienced family law attorney is more likely to facilitate negotiations to achieve the most favorable outcome for you as early in the divorce process as possible without sacrificing your objectives.

  1. Experience in Family Court

Whether or not your matter results in a trial before the Court, an experienced family law attorney is far more likely to be familiar with the Rules of Court and have the ability to represent your interests effectively in Court.

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