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Three Simple Ways to be More Persuasive

Inevitably – in business or in life – you will need to be able to convince someone to do something. Here are 3 simple ways to be more persuasive:

1. Be confident.

You might have heard the saying “it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.” People tend to be persuaded by someone who is confident – even if you can appear confident. Stand strong behind your opinion with enthusiasm. Look them straight in the eye and be bold.

2. Know who you’re talking to.

Put yourself in their shoes. How do they prefer to process information? Are they someone who prefers facts and figures? Give them the no-nonsense basics and keep it simple. Do they prefer to see the big picture? Paint it for them.

3. Make them feel good.

Flattery really can get you anywhere. According to a scientific study, compliments give us warm and fuzzy feelings that can predispose someone to do something nice for you. For example, you might ask for time off by pointing out how flexible your boss usually is.

The art of persuasion is not about manipulation or coercion. It’s about getting people to do things that are in their own best interest that also benefit you. And it’s a skill you can hone and improve over time.

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