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The Truth About Divorce

This is a pivotal time in your life. You want a divorce but you don’t know where to turn.

Divorce goes right to the heart of our deepest insecurities. Feelings of failure, loss and abandonment can be overwhelming.

You walk around in a cloud of depression and despair. You can’t think rationally. It’s almost impossible to make decisions that are best for you, much less for your children. Yet now is the time they need you more than ever.

The feelings of loss, failure, and abandonment are every bit as real as if someone close to you has died. Except, unlike with a death, there aren’t many people around who offer comfort and support through divorce.

So you feel even more alone.

On top of all this, you don’t know where to turn where to find answers to the question “what do I do now?”

There are only roadblocks coming to you as messages from the outside world:

  • Don’t call a lawyer – they’ll take all your money and embroil you in a never ending fight.
  • Don’t leave your marriage – you’ll ruin your kids’ lives.
  • You won’t be able to afford to live on your own.
  • Your spouse will take half of everything.

That’s why it’s so important to find real answers to your most pressing questions about New Jersey divorce, including whether you need to go to court.

You might also find it helpful to access worksheets and other valuable resources to expedite your divorce and minimize legal fees and conflict with your spouse.

You can find these resources right on our website.

You can also access the New Jersey Courts website here.

Or schedule a personalized evaluation of how New Jersey divorce laws apply to you and the most cost-effective ways to achieve the best outcome for you.

The challenge is not to allow this divorce to define who you are and who you are yet to be once the divorce is final. We all have unique talents and strengths.

Many others experiencing divorce have found it particularly helpful to channel their energies into connecting with others and to a cause bigger than themselves.

By helping others, we help ultimately help ourselves.

Thanks for reading. Please share this post with others who might find it helpful.

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