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Parenting Can Be Hard but This Can Help

As kids head off to school this time of year, I am reminded of a saying I came across many years ago. It said parents should give their children both “roots and wings.”

This really helped me navigate the challenging yet so rewarding twists and turns of raising kids. Not that I’ve been a perfect parent by any means. But this “roots and wings” idea served as a sort of parenting guide or compass.

To me, roots” represents unconditional love and a safe haven your children can always return to. No matter your family or home life. Or where or how you live.

To give children “wings” means to me to equip them to become their own individuals separate and apart from their parents. To give them the confidence they need to make their own decisions and choose the path that is best for them. It can start when they learn to ride a bicycle without training wheels for the first time.

It can be so hard to let our children go. And it can even be harder to let them make mistakes. Because I believe we have to trust (somehow) that that we taught them enough to forge their own path. And by giving them roots, we give them the knowledge that they can always ask for help and receive comfort. And that they can always come home. Until they’re ready to soar once again.

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