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  • 10/29/21

    The Zoom Effect on Divorce Settlements in New Jersey
    Divorcing spouses and their attorneys have been appearing in court remotely since the start of the pandemic. According to some New Jersey family court judges, court appearances will not resume in person until sometime in late 2022. In the meantime, more and more divorce cases are not settling. When divorcing spouses and their attorneys physically go to court for a motion or settlement conference, for...
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  • 10/18/21

    The #1 Reason Couples Divorce According to a Divorce Lawyer
    As a divorce and family lawyer for over 20 years, divorcing spouses come to my office deciding to call it quits for wide variety of reasons. But there really is one common thread I see over and over again. It’s the breakdown in the ability to effectively communicate with each other. And this tends to differ between men and women. Men, for instance, often talk...
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  • 10/8/21

    Three Alternatives to Court for Your New Jersey Divorce
    Contrary to common belief, going to court for a divorce is not the only option; and, in my experience as a family lawyer for over 20 years, I find that court is generally the last resort. While some divorcing spouses might want their “day in court,” it’s generally not an outcome they would expect or want. After all, judges are human like everyone else. And there...
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  • 10/2/21

    How to Divorce Amicably without Court
    Contrary to common belief, to get a divorce in New Jersey, you don’t need to file a divorce complaint with the court right away. Depending on your circumstances, it might make sense to reach a divorce agreement with your spouse first. Because generally, once you file the divorce complaint with the court, both you and your spouse are forced to abide by court-imposed events and...
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  • 9/24/21

    Emotions Can Derail Personal Connection & Relationships – Here’s What We Can Do, According to a Bestselling Author
    We might very often find ourselves letting our emotions get the best of us and say or do something that hurts an important relationship – whether in our families or workplaces. Our emotions can drive us to act in ways that cut us off from connection and the intimacy that we all need and crave. In the #1  Brene Brown is a research professor at...
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  • 9/10/21

    Three Powerful Lessons on Humanity to Learn from 9/11
    On the eve of the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on our country, we might take a moment to reflect on what we can learn from that fateful day that changed history forever. According to 1. We are all connected. 9/11 was the awakening of the idea of global connectedness and exposed us to the love and support of people all over the...
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  • 9/3/21

    Still Paying Alimony but Your Ex Has a Serious Beau? You Might Be Entitled to Relief
    If you’re paying alimony under your divorce agreement, but your ex is in a serious relationship, you might be entitled to relief under the New Jersey alimony law, updated in 2014. The 2014 New Jersey alimony law redefined the meaning of “cohabitation” and no longer required couples to be residing together under the same roof. In other words, your ex and significant other need not...
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  • 8/27/21

    Are Your Perceptions Hurting Your Relationships? Three ways to Turn Things Around
    Is your boss or business partner being too controlling? Does it seem like your spouse doesn’t care about your feelings? Perhaps you find yourself extremely irritated or put off by someone for reasons you can’t explain. Have you ever experienced when someone close to you says or does something and all of a sudden, negative thoughts automatically pop into your head? I know I have...
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  • 8/20/21

    Seven Dos and Don’ts to Ease Divorce Transition for your Kids
    When you’re going through a divorce, it can be hard enough just keeping things together for yourself. So, trying to be a good parent when you’re at your worst can be overwhelming and exhausting. These 7 DOs and DON’TS for parenting during divorce can go a long way to help ease the transition for your kids. 1. DO stick to regular routines as much as...
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  • 8/13/21

    Divorced Parents and the 2021 Advance Child Tax Credit
    You might know that with the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, parents can get monthly checks over the second half of this year as an advance payment on their 2021 child tax credit. Starting with payments on July 15, 2021, the IRS will pay parents of qualifying children half the total Child Tax Credit amount in advance monthly payments. Parents will claim the other half...
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