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  • 5/15/22

    This Powerful Method for Challenging Your Thoughts Can Transform Your Personal and Professional Relationships
    How many times in any given day do we have thoughts about people that are…well… less than ideal for a satisfying relationship? Consider the thoughts we have all day long about the people in our lives that separates us from them. He’s an a–shole. She took advantage of me. When we believe our thoughts, we feel and act in line with those beliefs. Best-selling author...
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  • 5/7/22

    Can You Become Legally Separated in New Jersey?
    You might no longer wish to continue living with your spouse, yet you’re not yet ready to get a divorce. Perhaps your home has become a constant battleground, a source of stress more than anything else. Perhaps you wish to separate from your spouse to see if the marriage is really over. Or, if you have kids, perhaps you’re concerned about how your marital difficulties...
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  • 4/23/22

    Blurred Lines Between Work and Home is Hurting Our Health and Family Relationships
    It seems it wasn’t that long ago that we came home from work, changed clothes, and had dinner as a family. Our workday was done. We knew that nothing would be expected of us until the next day. Going back to, let’s say, the 1990s, there wasn’t an easy way for anyone to even reach us after work hours. And so we actually talked to...
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  • 4/17/22

    Navigate Disagreements to Strengthen Your Personal and Professional Relationships
    Disagreements arise as a natural consequence of differences in perceptions that we have with others. Whether it’s a romantic partner, friend, sibling, colleague, or co-worker, we each have different life and emotional experiences that form our perceptions of people and events now. Basically, we have what Disagreements are an inevitable, normal, and healthy part of relating to one another. When you and someone else...
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  • 3/26/22

    Five Common Expectations that Create Relationship Conflict
    Inevitably, we experience conflict in our personal and professional relationships. But what really causes conflict? Knowing why conflicts happen in the first place can give us a major leg up in heading them off in our important relationships. For the most part, conflicts arise when our expectations of others go unmet. Below are 5 expectations to let go of so we can experience greater peace...
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  • 3/12/22

    Divorce and Co-parenting: is 50/50 Parenting Time the Way to Go?
    Parenting roles have come a long way. And for separated and divorced parents, New Jersey law has come to reflect these changing roles. Back when my parents were divorced in the late 1970s, it was typically the mom’s role as a homemaker to care for the kids and the dad’s role to go off to work. These roles were generally reflected in the custody and...
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  • 3/5/22

    Three Powerful Actions to Embrace Difficult Life Changes
    Everything in our lives is constantly changing. At the same time, knowing that our circumstances, thoughts, emotions, even our bodies, are only temporary, can help us avoid becoming too attached to a particular outcome. But change can be hard to accept. There are certain life changes that can bring about feelings of grief and loss – like losing a job, a loved one, experiencing a...
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  • 2/26/22

    Three Simple Ways to be More Persuasive
    Inevitably – in business or in life – you will need to be able to convince someone to do something. Here are 3 simple ways to be more persuasive: 1. Be confident. You might have heard the saying “it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.” People tend to be persuaded by someone who is confident – even if you can 2...
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  • 2/11/22

    How a Financial Advisor Can Help Settle Your Divorce and Save You Time and Money
    If you are considering divorce or negotiating the terms of your divorce agreement, a financial advisor can be a valuable resource for you. I have found that clients who work with their financial advisors throughout divorce negotiations are better informed as to their options and tend to obtain more favorable settlement outcomes. I also recently met to catch up with First, it’s important to...
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  • 2/5/22

    New Jersey Child Custody Basics for Divorcing Parents
    More often than not, divorcing parents make their own decisions as to custody and parenting time for their children. New Jersey family courts have the authority to make orders concerning the care, custody, education, and maintenance of children when parents are divorced or about to live separately. By the same token, it is the public policy of the State of New Jersey to assure that...
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