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New Legal Service Puts Divorcing Spouses In The Driver’s Seat When Resolving Financial Issues Out Of Court

The financial issues to be addressed in any divorce agreement typically involve any or all of the following: alimony, child support, division of marital assets and debts, and payment of college expenses and other expenses for the children.

We are now offering the “financial settlement plan” for those who have decided to divorce and want to resolve the financial issues without court. Or for those who are already divorced and need to revise their divorce agreement as circumstances have changed. Such changes may include where the children are now approaching college age, or a spouse is considering retirement or experienced a loss of income.

You also may not be familiar with mediation or other divorce processes alternative to litigation in court. Perhaps you and your spouse have spoken and you both agreed to stay out of court.

Many – if not most – lawyers use a one-size-fits-all approach and apply the law to how they personally interpret the facts of your situation. The problem with this approach is that the law by its very nature, is subject to interpretation depending on how the facts are presented. That’s why there is often so much conflict and litigation centered around financial issues in divorce.

The best way to avoid such conflict – and stay out of court – is to be prepared with a financial settlement plan. We start with finding out what you have and what you need, both now and moving forward.

Ultimately, you will come away with realistic and viable options for settling all financial issues based on the law and take into account the financial and tax ramifications that apply to divorce agreements. Best of all, your options will be uniquely customized to your particular financial needs and goals now and for the future.

Most lawyers will not do this for you. So when you think of the fees involved in litigating your financial issues, which will often typically amount to tens of thousands of dollars either to settle on an outcome that is not tailored to your specific needs and goals. Or, worst case scenario, you wind up in trial where the fees could easily double and reach as high as $100,000.

In contrast, the fee for your financial settlement plan is $2,000. For both spouses using this service alone with no additional mediation services, the fee is $3,000. Alternatively, you can opt to pay $400 per hour with a 1-hour minimum.

To get started, simply schedule an appointment or call us directly.

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