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Do You Really Need a Lawyer to Handle Your New Jersey Divorce?

If you’re like many people considering divorce, you might be leery about getting lawyers involved. After all, it’s a common belief that lawyers mean fighting and expensive legal fees.

As a family lawyer now for over 20 years, unfortunately, I know of many divorce lawyers who are needlessly aggressive and overpriced. Which is really a shame.

Because just when you’re most vulnerable is when you most need a lawyer who will protect and guide you – with your needs and goals top of mind.

A good divorce lawyer can protect you by covering key considerations for child custody and appropriate financial support for your kids. Similarly, when it comes to things like amount and duration of alimony, and dividing retirement plans, premarital assets, inheritances, and businesses, you’ll need to defer to New Jersey law to determine what’s fair.

Overlooking such key issues not only can harm you financially, it often requires costly and unpredictable legal action to correct. And perhaps most important is making sure your children’s needs in the divorce are properly taken care of.

So, like with any other professional you rely on, it’s important to choose wisely when selecting a lawyer to handle your divorce.

For instance, when deciding if a particular lawyer is right for you, make sure to notice if the lawyer listens to you. You should generally avoid the lawyer who is in a hurry to offer “solutions” without taking time to hear you out.

By the same token, a lawyer with significant family law experience will often use more cost-effective alternatives than going right to court, saving you time, money, and emotional energy.

Ultimately, you should go with your gut feeling when selecting your attorney. Keep in mind that first impressions aren’t likely to change.

For more information about how to settle your divorce out of court or for a personalized consultation, please click here

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