If you are an avid reader (like me), chances are you like to learn about new ways of seeing and doing things. I highly recommend the following books for those going through divorce, are already divorced and want to learn about co-parenting, and for those simply interested in personal growth. Each book contains valuable insight and offers some great tips:
The Collaborative Way to Divorce – Stuart Webb
Crazy Time – Abigail Trafford
Mom’s house, dad’s house – Isolina Ricci, Ph.D.
Mom’s house, dad’s house for Kids- Isolina Ricci, Ph.D.
Taking the War Out of Our Words: The Art of Powerful Non-Defensive Communication – Sharon Ellison
Emotional Freedom – Judith Orloff
Positivity – Barbara Frederickson
Getting to Yes – Fisher, Ury and Patton
The Dance of Intimacy – Harriet Goldhor Lerner
Beyond Codependency – Melody Beattie
Unlimited Power – Anthony Robbins
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen R. Covey
Awaken the Giant Within – Anthony Robbins
A New Earth – Eckhart Tolle
The Dance of Anger – Harriet Lerner
Strengthfinders 2.0 – Tom Rath
The Pathfinder – How to Choose or Change your Career for a Lifetime of Satisfaction and Success – Nicholas Lore
I will continue to update this list. In the meantime, please share other books on these topics that you found most valuable.