News & Media

5 Ways to Help You Get What You Want in Your Divorce

Ideally, you should be able to get what you want in your divorce, right? It's a common belief, however, that you need a judge to decide how much alimony or child support you will pay or when you will spend time with your children. What you might not realize is that...

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8 Easy Ways to Increase Your Persuasiveness When Negotiating

We are often trying to persuade or influence someone in our professional and personal lives. Here I focus specifically on negotiating - whether you are buying a car or negotiating a business transaction. The truth is, people are more likely to give you what you want...

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10 Practical Ways to Protect Yourself After Divorce

It's finally over. You went to court and the judge signed your Judgment of Divorce. In most cases, your divorce agreement - the final product of lengthy ongoing negotiations - is annexed to your Judgment of Divorce and becomes a binding Order. You leave the courtroom...

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8 Ways to Minimize Legal Fees in Your Divorce

1. Choose an attorney who is experienced and settlement-oriented. Select an attorney with a style and approach that resonates with you. Make sure the attorney you choose is experienced in matrimonial and family law. Ideally, your attorney's practice should be...

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Valuable Life Lessons from Hurricane Sandy

In the midst of what is being called one of the devastating events in history, unexpected opportunities to connect with loved ones and help those in need can be seen all around us. From the moment the monumental storm ripped through our area on Monday night, we saw...

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