One Simple Action To Stay Calm During Difficult Conversations

You know the feeling.  You’re in the middle of a conversation with someone – your spouse, friend, or co-worker – when the person says something that offends you or makes you angry. You feel your blood temperature start to rise.  And what we do in that...

How to Confront a Friend or Loved One Who Lets You Down

It’s inevitable.  Whether at home or work, someone close to us eventually lets us down.  Perhaps we get angry or hurt.  It comes with the territory of personal relationships.  What can you do?  Should you confront the person or stay quiet? The problem with staying...

The Inside Scoop on Uncontested Divorce in New Jersey

It’s a common belief that to start the divorce process in New Jersey, you need to file a “Complaint for Divorce” with the court. If you and your spouse are on relatively amicable or civil terms, however, you might reach a divorce agreement quicker and at less cost by...
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