Your Best Bet for an Amicable Divorce

Divorce is more than a legal process.  It is an extremely emotional process.  It’s also common for one spouse to want a divorce while the other does not.  More often, one of the spouses decides, over a period of time, to end the marriage. When you’re the spouse who...

How We Can Get Through These Challenging Times

Challenges are a part of life.  And we’re living in an unprecedented challenge right now during this global pandemic.  But we can experience this unique challenge as an opportunity (stay with me on this…) The single thing that I’ve found most powerful is to start with...

The Big Misconception About Divorce

When you decide to divorce, there are important decisions to be made about things like child custody, parenting time, child support, college costs for children, alimony, and division of marital assets and debts. The most common misconception I hear is that divorce...
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