by Dan | Apr 28, 2017 | Communicating During Divorce, Divorce And Your Children, Divorce Process
It might feel as if you’ve been blindsided or as if the rug has been pulled out from right underneath your feet. It was supposed to be “til death do us part” yet now it feels like your life is all of a sudden outside of your control and you feel powerless and somehow...
by Dan | Apr 25, 2017 | Communicating During Divorce, Divorce And Your Children, Divorce Process
There is apparently a widespread misconception that if you are contemplating divorce, you have two options – either to hire lawyers and fight in court or go to mediation and save money. What you might not know is that having a lawyer does not mean that you can’t...
by Dan | Apr 20, 2017 | Communicating During Divorce, Divorce And Your Children, Divorce Process
It can be extremely frustrating when your ex makes you so angry – perhaps you say something you later regret especially when your son or daughter overhears. Or you get so mad that you can’t stop thinking about what a jerk (or worse) he or she is – you tell everyone...